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Scrum Project Management

Scrum project management is an agile method for organizing and carrying out projects, focusing on flexibility and continuous improvement. It is based on the fundamental principles of iterative and incremental work and enables teams to respond more quickly to changes and achieve better results. In this glossary entry, you will learn everything about Scrum project management, its basics, roles, artifacts, and processes.

Scrum Project Management - Definition and Basics

Scrum project management is an agile project management method characterized by its flexibility, adaptability, and focus on continuous improvement. The term "Scrum" comes from the sport of rugby and refers to the way players in a team come together to achieve a common goal. In the context of project management, this means that all team members work closely together to complete a successful project.

Scrum is based on the principles of iterative and incremental work. This means that the project is divided into small, manageable parts (called "Sprints") each with a specific goal. After each Sprint, the progress made is reviewed and adjusted if necessary, to continuously achieve better results. This approach allows for quick reactions to changes and continuous optimization of project progress.

Scrum Roles

In Scrum project management, there are three central roles:

  1. Product Owner: The Product Owner is responsible for defining project goals and prioritizing tasks. They ensure that the team's work is aligned with achieving the desired outcomes and that all requirements are considered.
  2. Scrum Master: The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that the team correctly applies Scrum principles and processes and supports the team in optimizing their workflow. They act as a mediator between the team and the Product Owner and ensure smooth communication.
  3. Development Team: The Development Team consists of the experts who perform the actual work on the project. They are responsible for completing the tasks in the Sprints and delivering the results.

Scrum Artifacts

In Scrum project management, there are several central artifacts used for organizing and planning work:

  1. Product Backlog: The Product Backlog is a list of all tasks and requirements that need to be addressed in the project. The Product Owner prioritizes this list and ensures that the most important tasks are dealt with first.
  2. Sprint Backlog: The Sprint Backlog is a list of tasks that are to be worked on in the current Sprint. This list is created by the Development Team and is based on the priorities of the Product Backlog.
  3. Increment: The Increment is the result of a Sprint, consisting of the completed tasks. It is a part of the overall project outcome and is reviewed and possibly adjusted at the end of each Sprint.

Scrum Processes

The work in Scrum project management follows a set process consisting of various phases and meetings:

  1. Sprint Planning: At the beginning of each Sprint, Sprint Planning takes place, where the Development Team selects tasks for the upcoming Sprint and defines goals for that Sprint.
  2. Daily Scrum: During a Sprint, the Daily Scrum meeting takes place every day, where the Development Team discusses the current state of work, potential problems, and the progress of tasks.
  3. Sprint Review: At the end of a Sprint, the Sprint Review occurs, where the Development Team presents the results of the Sprint and the Increment is reviewed together with the Product Owner.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: After the Sprint Review, the Sprint Retrospective takes place, where the team discusses the workflow during the past Sprint and identifies opportunities for improvement for the next Sprint.

Advantages of Scrum Project Management

Scrum project management offers several advantages over traditional project management methods:

  • Flexibility: The iterative and incremental workflow allows for quick and efficient integration of changes into the project process. This allows for high adaptability to changed conditions or requirements.
  • Transparency: Regular meetings and clear role distributions provide high transparency regarding project progress, problems, and successes.
  • Continuous Improvement: Through regular reviews and retrospectives, the workflow is continuously optimized and adjusted to achieve better results.
  • Efficiency: The focus on the most important tasks and close collaboration within the team enable an efficient workflow that leads to faster results.


Scrum project management is an agile method that focuses on flexibility, adaptability, and continuous improvement. With clear roles, artifacts, and processes, Scrum project management enables an efficient and targeted workflow that leads to better results more quickly. For companies operating in a rapidly changing environment, Scrum project management can be an ideal solution to carry out projects successfully and meet market challenges.

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